The reason a dog has so many friends is that he wags his tail instead of his tongue. - Unknown |
Silky Terrier, Sidney Terrier, Australian Silky Terrier or Silky Toy Terrier DogsSilky Terrier InformationThe Silky Terrier or Sidney Terrier or Australian Silky Terrier or Silky Toy Terrier is a long haired Terrier with a light, small build. The loving, intelligent Silky Terrier dog is a sociable, energetic, demanding breed that loves to learn. In fact, training a Silky Terrier is amazingly easy, seemingly because they so enjoy learning and so want to please their master. They, however, need to be socialized with cats as a puppy or they will chase them when they grow up. They are OK with children when raised with them, but can be snappish when teased or prodded. All in all, a good, fun, energetic breed. |
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