Small Pet Home Page
Small Animal Pets For Apartments or Small Homes
Do you need help in choosing the right pet for your apartment or condo? Then Apartment-Pets.com is for you.
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Good Apartment Pets
This site is a resource which will give you ideas and information on choosing a good apartment pet, along with information on care and feeding. Choose from pet birds, pet cats, pet dogs, pet fish or more exotic pets.
Click on one of the links below to choose the right pet for you.
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Pet Care
There is much to learn about taking care of a pet. This pet care site has practical pet care tips to make the job easier.
Choosing a Pet
Choosing your new pet is an important decision that will have ramifications for years to come. Picking a pet on impulse that does not fit well with your lifestyle can lead to unnecessary hardship for you and your new pet.
When first considering a pet for an apartment, you might think of cats, and for good reason. They are easy to care for, almost taking care of themselves, and do not need constant attention like many other pets.
Dogs are known as man's best friend. They can make good apartment pets.
Small Exotic Pets
Exotic pets can be great! Reptiles, lizards, turtles, snakes, ferrets, frogs, guinea pigs, hamsters, hermit crabs, mice, and rabbits.
Pet Birds
Pet Birds make wonderful companions, but there are some things you should know before choosing a pet bird for your apartment.
Pet Fish
Fish make great small pets. They are easy to care for. They almost take care of themselves. They are so peaceful and fun to watch.
Help Finding a Pet Friendly Apartment Rental or Pet Friendly Condo
If you are moving and want to keep you beloved pet, finding a pet friendly apartment can seem like an impossible task. Apartment hunting with an animal can make it much more difficult to find a place that will take your entire family. There are, however, some things you can do to increase your chances of keeping your family intact through your next move.
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