My dog is worried about the economy because Alpo is up to $3.00 a can. That's almost $21.00 in dog money! - Joe Weinstein | Photo Contest Entry Information
Enter a picture that has won a place in your heart so it can win a place in other viewers' hearts, too. Entries will be voted on by viewers. If you would like to vote in the contest, please go to our Photo Contest Voting Page. Winning photos will appear in color on the web site. The only limit to the number of winning photos is the number of pictures you send in. RulesPictures can be either color photos, slides, or, if in digital format, on a 3 1/2" floppy disk or CD. Photos can be any standard snapshot size or larger. Do not attach or tape anything to the front of the photo. Do not fold the photo. If you send a slide, place it securely in the envelope so it won't get scratched. Do not submit computer printouts. We reserve the right to reject any photo deemed inappropriate. To EnterFill out the Media Release Form and submit it with your photo(s). It must be completely filled out and signed to be eligible. Tape it to the back of a photo. Do not staple it. If you are under the age of 18, you must have a parent or guardian sign the form, also. All legal owners must sign the form. If someone else took a hand in creating the entry, they must sign the bottom part as the Non-Owner Contributor. Model ReleasesEVERY identifiable person in your photos must sign a Model Release Form. Private Identifiable PropertyIdentifiable private property in your photos must include a Property Release Form. JudgingPhotos will be judged for their general interest. Beautiful portraits, funny or unusual situations or themes, and generally interesting photos will all be considered. Final judgment will be made by members of the staff. Mail your Entry to:
DeadlineEntries must be received no later than Saturday the 30th 2024f November 2024. Entries received after that will automatically be consider in future contests.
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